Our company was established on 16.05.2003 with the approval of the Trade and Registry Office with the number 54013 / 62788 to provide mechanical installation, steel construction and machine assembly services. It continues to successfully maintain the rightful pride of having successfully completed many official and private sector facilities and the accumulation of experience gained so far.

MATEK TEKNİK believes that being a reliable business partner before its customers can be achieved by supporting the process of creating and presenting quality with a corporate structure.

Adopting internationally accepted practices in its work, it is based on the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Model and carries out corporate planning and regulations in order to meet the requirements of the standard. It creates quality in a broad perspective and integrity before and after service. In this respect, our company considers quality not only as a goal to be reached, but also as a process where continuous improvement is ensured, and our customers are considered as the most important business partners of this process.
  • 24+ years of experience
  • 50+ Number of employees
  • 1000+ m2 facilities
  • 65000+ tons of capacity
Matek Makine Teknik A.Ş. A.Ş. sağlanan hizmetlerin iyileştirilmesi ve web sitesinde en iyi deneyimi yaşamanızı sağlamak için çerezleri kullanır.